The Baker Library is turning out to be my favorite hang out. I'm proud to be a geek! |
Studying Still
Yes I have switched! So goes a popular ad in the Philippines. I have switched to studying mode. I'm sure my teachers in Green Hills, Diliman and Boston would be happy that I am spending my free time accumulating knowledge. I just find it rather ironic that I spent all of my formative years trying to get myself out of school, only to willingly and proudly end up in one yet again a few decades after. Learning indeed never grows old, only the old stop learning.
- When negotiating for a long-term partnership, a show of good will earlier on in the process could spell the difference between winning and losing
- Always be consistent in your pronouncements, a whiff of inconsistency might adversely impact on your credibility
- Always be mindful of all your stakeholders, do not value or prefer one over the other, in your internal and external communications
- In negotiations, don't just think about the short-term gains, go for the long-term value - aspire for what is right and fair
Business Government and International Economy
- Countries today are buying into another country's assets in order to improve its access to "security assets"
- China buying into Australian mines and oil
- Singapore buying into financials
- Countries need to improve its investment climate, and one such area is total factor productivity and unit labor cost
- The issue of immigration needs to looked at dispassionately, and viewed under the prism of a country's long-term economic prosperity
- Australia's immigration policy vis-a-vis its declining manufacturing base and total factor productivity
- US competitiveness being impacted by access to critical talents to fuel its industrial base and human capital needs
- Countries also need to revisit its domestic production capability and its infrastructure
- Ideally a county's consumption, investment, government spending, exports less imports, savings and taxation need to be relatively strong so that it does not become overly dependent on one aspect of its GDP
- In assessing strategy Porter's 5 Forces and the Added Value Framework are very powerful analytical tools
- evaluate the relative strengths of the forces and their interactions with each other
- devise a plan that effectively positions the company against its environment
- Changing strategy means changing the whole system that underpins it
- Identify the sources of competitive advantage and know your starting point before setting out
- The President or CEO of a company is the architect of organizational purpose (strategy)
- Strategy is an integrated set of choices
- where it will play
- where it will NOT play
- how it will play
- what it wants to accomplish
- A strategy must have a clear objective (ends), advantage (means) and scope (domain)